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Chat Commands

While chatting there are certain commands you can do to make your Growtopian perform an action.  They are:

  • /? Lists available chat commands.
  • /msg Usage: /msg <player> <message>; Sends a private message to the player specified.
  • /time Shows the time in Growtopia.
  • /r Replies to the last person who private messaged (/msg) you.
  • /me Usage: /me<message>; Says a message with /me replaced by the player's username, and the message surrounded by angle-brackets.
  • /status Lists your current world, number of backpack slots, and status effects.
  • /broadcast
  • Broadcasts a message to 1000 randomly selected players online. Costs 50 gems.
  • /sb Costs 200 gems. Broadcasts a message to all players online.
  • /stats Lists server uptime, number of players online by platform, active worlds, and server CPU load.
  • /who Lists players in your current world.
  • /uba Unbans all players who were previously banned. Only works in World-Locked worlds you own.
  • /rules Opens the rules
  • /news Shows the news
  • /radio Toggles the radio, hiding public broadcasts when disabled.
  • /mods Lists the usernames of the mods currently online.
  • /pull <player>; For lock owners, pulls the indicated player to your position.
  • /kick <player>; For lock owners, instantly kills and respawns the indicated player.
  • /ban <player>; For players with World Lock access, bans the indicated player from entering the world for one hours.
  • /smile The character smiles, showing their teeth.
  • /cry The character cries.
  • /laugh The character grins widely.
  • /mad The character scowls, with their eyes turning red.
  • /wave The character waves.
  • /dance The character dances.
  • /love The character's eyes turn to hearts and start spewing heart effects.
  • /sleep The character's eyes close and emits Zs. If done by a bed, the character sleeps in the bed.
  • /yes The character gives a thumbs up and nods their head while grinning.
  • /no The character gives a thumbs down while shaking their head.

Text Colors

You can type in color by using certain commands. They are:

Light Blue = `1

Green = `2


2013 @Cade83

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